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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a handsfree property investment service work?
A handsfree property investment service takes care of the entire investment process on your
behalf. From property selection all the way through to helping you find a good tenant. We will handle all aspects, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of property investment without the need for active involvement.
How do you know which properties are the right fit for me?
We use a detailed consultation process to understand your specific criteria and ensure we are a
right fit before you come on board. 
Are you regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority?

No - property investment is not regulated by the FCA as an asset class. We are fully compliant
with all regulations required by law for property sourcers, including data protection and anti-
money laundering & financial crime. We are also registered with The Property Redress Scheme and we are fully insured.
Being hands-off makes me nervous - can I be involved in the process?
You can be as involved as you like. Our end-to-end service is designed to be hands-free,
but we appreciate some clients would like to be more involved. Regardless of how hands-on you
would like to be, rest assured that you will always be fully informed and have the final say on what happens with your investment. 
Do you provide investment opportunities outside of South Wales?
We have focused our service around South Waes because it offers tremendous opportunities for
smart investments. However, if we can't convince you of the merits of South Wales, we are part of a community that has helped facilitate the sale of over 100 million pounds across the UK. And whilst we won’t personally be on the ground in your chosen area, we will be able to assist you in finding and securing your ideal property through a trusted partner in our community. 
I want a good return on my money but I'm not interested in taking on a property. Can you help me?

Yes. We offer the opportunity to invest with us, for fixed returns on your money, without the need for you to take on a property. This is the most passive way for you to invest in property for
great returns.

What do you do with my money?

It is used to purchase and usually renovate property. The great thing is that your investment is a tangible property you can even visit it if you like.

How long is my money tied up?

Typically 12-18 months. This is a likely timeframe to buy, renovate and either refinance
(remortgage) or sell a property. However, there may be occasions where we need money
anywhere from 3 months to 5 years.

Is there a minimum amount of money to invest with you?

Yes, £25,000. This amount makes a meaningful impact, both in terms of contributing to
the cost of a project and in terms of the amount of interest paid back to you.
I'm interested in your services. How do I move forward?

Click on this link to book your free 15-minute consultation call and let's have a chat! 
Any other questions? Please reach out to us at:
+44 756 465 3082

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